Page 68 - MOH Supply and Needs-Based Requirement Hyperlink 02032021
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                  3.4.    NURSE

                        3.4.1  Nurse Supply Projection

                 In nurse model, the projection of nurses’ supply and requirement based on needs and
                 demands includes both the Registered Nurses (RN) and Community Nurses (CN) (Community
                 Nurse also known as Jururawat Masyarakat (JM)) as the total population of nurses.

                 The rationale of combining CN and RN is because of the phasing out of CN training
                 programme by the nursing colleges under MOH and there will be no new intake for CN.
                 The existing and qualified CN in MOH will be promoted to RN through PSL Programme for
                 Community Nurses (Peningkatan Secara Lantikan, PSL) and will be upgraded from certificate
                 to diploma level. In 2014, during the study period, it was estimated that 23,000 CN will
                 be involved in training through PSL exercise and was done in stages. During the Health
                 Minister’s Retreat in 2013, there was also a proposal to freeze CN Recruitment at MOH.

                 If the CN were not considered in the projection, this model may lead to an insufficient
                 number of nurses’ supply in the nation.

                 The projected registered nurse supply in the year 2030 is only 143,751. Therefore, in the
                 year 2030, by considering both registered nurses and community nurses, the projected
                 nurse supply is 166,850, which is higher than the number for registered nurse only.

                 The projection shows an increased number of nurses by 30.65 % from 125,519 nurses
                 in the year 2016 to 166,850 nurses in the year 2030. There is an average increase rate
                 of 2.05% each year over the 14 years duration. This resulted in the increased number of
                 nurses in 10,000 populations and improvement in the ratio of nurse to population. Table 27
                 presents the actual and projected number of nurse supply in Malaysia from 2015 until 2030.

                                                             SUPPLY AND NEEDS-BASED REQUIREMENT PROJECTIONS OF MALAYSIAN HUMAN
                                                                RESOURCES FOR HEALTH USING SYSTEM DYNAMICS APPROACH 2016 - 2030
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73