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                     Figure 23: Projection of Pharmacist Supply and Pharmacist Requirement Based on Need
                                                        and Demand

                 3.3.4  Comparison with selected high-income countries

                 Figure 24 illustrates that the projected supply of pharmacist in Malaysia is lower than the
                 average  selected  Organisation  for  Economic  Co-operation  and  Development  (OECD)
                 countries actual pharmacist density. In comparison with other selected higher-income
                 countries, Hong Kong had the lowest density of pharmacist. However, the actual pharmacist’s
                 density in Hong Kong is a close range with the actual number of pharmacists in Malaysia. In
                 2030, it is projected that Malaysia’s supply pharmacist density is still lesser as compared to
                 the pharmacist in Sweden and Korea.

                 The projected requirement of pharmacists based on demand is lower than the current OECD
                 average pharmacist density but higher than pharmacist density levels in Singapore, Hong
                 Kong and the United Kingdom. The projected requirement of pharmacist based on needs
                 is at the higher end of the OECD countries (nearer to countries from Sweden, Korea and
                 Australia). This benchmarking process was conducted by comparing existing pharmacists
                 and projected supply, Demand, Need of pharmacist’s density in Malaysia to pharmacist’s
                 density of selected OECD and selected high-income countries. Benchmarking with these
                 countries is vital to see where our country stands and to demonstrate projection carried
                 out in this study in comparison  with well-established pharmacist profession from other

                                                             SUPPLY AND NEEDS-BASED REQUIREMENT PROJECTIONS OF MALAYSIAN HUMAN
                                                                RESOURCES FOR HEALTH USING SYSTEM DYNAMICS APPROACH 2016 - 2030
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71