Page 30 - MOH Supply and Needs-Based Requirement Hyperlink 02032021
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                                    Figure 8: The Stock and Flow Diagram for doctor supply.

                                  SFD - Stock and Flow

                                        New doctors rate
                                         (overseas grads)

                                             New doctors
                          New doctors rate   (overseas grads)
                            (local grads)
                                                                                     Attrition rate

                                        New doctors                      Attrition
                                        (local grads)

                 The SFD in Figure 8, can be created directly using Vensim software, one of the SD software
                 tools available in the market. In SFD (as well as in Vensim) the box represents the stock (level),
                 the double arrows (the arrow with valve/regulator symbol) represent the flows (resource or
                 material). Single arrows represent information links (or information flows). The cloud-like
                 symbols to the left of the New Doctors flow and the right of the Attrition flow are the source
                 and the sink, respectively. The source and the sink mark the boundary of the system.
                 In this project, various Programs and Divisions from the Ministry of Health including
                 Planning  Division, Institute  Health System Research, and experts in  SD modelling from
                 public universities, were together developing the system dynamic models based on
                 the modelling framework given in Figure 5. The models were to be used to provide the
                 supply and requirement projections of five selected professions, namely Doctors, Dentists,
                 Pharmacists, Nurses, and Assistant Medical Officers.

                                                             SUPPLY AND NEEDS-BASED REQUIREMENT PROJECTIONS OF MALAYSIAN HUMAN
                                                                RESOURCES FOR HEALTH USING SYSTEM DYNAMICS APPROACH 2016 - 2030
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