Page 88 - MOH Supply and Needs-Based Requirement Hyperlink 02032021
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                 5.5    Addressing Basic Education

                 There is also an effort by the government to upgrade the nursing profession so that it is equivalent
                 to other careers or profession by specifying the entry requirements from Diploma to Degree. In
                 general, the job scope of any professions in a government setting is different between Diploma
                 and Degree holder / entry requirement. In this study, based on practice, the requirement
                 model did not differentiate between diploma and degree holder of nurses. In future, if there is a
                 different role between diploma and degree holder the requirement, then it should be identified.

                 It is timely for Malaysia to identify either need to increase the nurse stock with Diploma
                 or Degree certification and to review the projection of nurses requirement in the future.
                 It  is  also  proposed  that  a  detailed  study  on  quality  of  patient  care  and  competent
                 nurses regardless of qualification in Diploma and Degree to be conducted in the future
                 to ensure there is a clear segregation of task for these two qualifications. Without
                 proper planning,  there will be a conflict between and across  nursing professions.

                 5.6    Human Resource for Health Projections Study

                 As new data and changes in the trend are important parameters evolve over time, the
                 study on HRH projection should be periodically reviewed at least every five years, or
                 as regular as when new data and circumstances arise, to assist long term country’s
                 HRH planning. The study shall also coincide with every two cycles of the Malaysia Plan.

                                                             SUPPLY AND NEEDS-BASED REQUIREMENT PROJECTIONS OF MALAYSIAN HUMAN
                                                                RESOURCES FOR HEALTH USING SYSTEM DYNAMICS APPROACH 2016 - 2030
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93