Page 87 - MOH Supply and Needs-Based Requirement Hyperlink 02032021
P. 87

79   EXTENDED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                 EXTENDED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY      79

                 5.3    Data Availability

                 This study identifies a dire need for an improvement in data availability and quality on HRH,
                 epidemiology and health care service. Although it is known that there are a lot of data, however

                       •  The information on HRH is not integrated and consistent across professions, which
                            may be due to different act that governs each profession. The information on total
                        stock, inactive HRH and professional attrition rate can be obtained by regularly
                            updating the registry including liaising with the National Registration Department if
                       •    Data documenting individual patient care at the level of care as well as utilisation of
                             health  service  data  by  population  are  not  comprehensive.  This  study  relied  on
                            experts and the Ministry of Health data to estimate health care needs and utilisation
                             of health services.
                       •  Comprehensive data on out-migration of health personnel was not available during
                      the study period. However, as the registration process of health personnel
                         improves over the years, data on out-migration may be made available to better
                         project HRH supply in the future, e.g. Malaysia Nursing Board documented an in
                          creasing trend on nurses leaving Malaysia and working abroad from the year 2016
                          to 2018 (which is an almost two-fold increase). This data information will help the
                             policymaker to address out-migration issue in future

                 Relevant stakeholders are also encouraged to conduct disease projections to document
                 and visualise the probable future of Malaysians health status. This information will greatly
                 help relevant policymaker to prepare the resources needed to address b health needs.

                 5.4    Addressing Task-Sharing and Task Reallocation

                 It is observed, based on practice, that there is an overlap between nurses and AMO job
                 scope and unclear task demarcation at Out-patient, Emergency Department, School
                 Health, Adolescent Health, Men’s Health and Haemodialysis. This may create inefficiency,
                 reduce  productivity,  ineffective distribution  of health  professional, and  lastly, it could
                 affect the post-basic training plan to suit service needs. This task demarcation should be
                 made clear across the profession of nurses and AMO’s and those with post-basic training.

                 Therefore, some of the solutions are to reallocate the nurse tasks with AMO according to
                 their basic training to ensure quality and smooth service delivery. To enhance the relevance
                 of AMO service in healthcare service, clearer demarcation of job scope should be endorsed
                 by top management. Enhancing the role and capacity of AMO could further improve the
                 care of patients and contribute to the survival rate of emergency department patients. To
                 increase access to effective services, some strategies i.e. task reallocations, are applied.

                 Although task-sharing and reallocation is suggested to compensate human resource
                 shortage,  our study illustrates  that this approach can increase productivity. This could
                 also entail an opportunity for integration of new programs in the facilities without
                 employing  new  workforces.  In fact,  the  focus could  be on  appropriate task-sharing in
                 facilities with sufficient human resources to increase productivity as well as task shifting
                 to address human resource shortages. Apart from this, a guide or a task-sharing policy
                 should be looked into, to prevent burn-out of healthcare worker from either profession.

                                                             SUPPLY AND NEEDS-BASED REQUIREMENT PROJECTIONS OF MALAYSIAN HUMAN
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