Page 92 - MOH Supply and Needs-Based Requirement Hyperlink 02032021
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                  Attrition rate        Percentage  at which health personnel  professionally becomes
                                        inactive due to death, complete retirement or outmigration, exit
                                        compulsory training period to obtain full registration without
                  Complete              Complete retirement refers total withdrawal  from occupation;
                  retirement            professionally inactive
                  Demand                Demand is the number of health workers that the health system
                                        (both public and private) can support in terms of funded positions
                                        or economic demand for services (Scheffler et al. 2016). However,
                                        demand in this study refers to the ‘adjusted need’ which is defined
                                        as the health care needs adjusted to follow close the current health
                                        care utilizations.
                  Direct patient care   Direct patient care is defined as health care services encompassing
                                        the entire spectrum of care provided directly to patient as an
                                        individual, ranging from preventive care, and primary to tertiary care.
                  Drop out              Students from a cohort leaving health workforce education and
                                        training without completion
                  Expert opinion        Data obtained from consensus of expert panels on the subject;
                                        panel of experts as source of input data
                  Full Time Equivalent  One (1) full time equivalent of health personnel is defined as one-
                  (FTE)                 health personnel working full time providing direct patient care.
                                        Respective profession has its own FTE
                  House Officer         House Officer in this study refers to medical graduates undergoing
                                        housemanship training at selected healthcare facilities in Malaysia.
                                        House Officer obtains provisional licencing with Malaysia Medical
                  Indirect patient care Indirect patient care revolves around public health services,
                                        administration, academic, research and regulatory.
                  Health care           Health care personnel to population ratio can be calculated
                  personnel to          from health care professional density by dividing the number of
                  population ratio      population to the number of health care professionals

                                        Eg. Five (5) AMOs in 10,000 population in year 2015
                                        = 10,000 / 5 = 2,000
                                        Therefore, the AMOs to population ratio in 2015 was 1 AMOs to
                                        2,000 population (1:2000)
                  Human resource        All people engaged in actions whose primary intent is to enhance
                  for health (HRH)      health (Scheffler et al. 2016).
                  Need                  Need in this study refers to population health care needs for
                                        preventive, disease-based and other health care services based
                                        on health care provider’s perspective, and estimated using Needs-
                                        based approach. “Need” for human resource for health in the
                                        analysis is defined as the number of health workers required to
                                        fulfil the Malaysia population healthcare service requirement.
                  Needs-based           Needs-based is the approach used in this study to estimate the
                                        total population health care needs as the basis for determining the
                                        number of HRH workforce required to serve all the need.

                                                             SUPPLY AND NEEDS-BASED REQUIREMENT PROJECTIONS OF MALAYSIAN HUMAN
                                                                RESOURCES FOR HEALTH USING SYSTEM DYNAMICS APPROACH 2016 - 2030
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96