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                    There was also a group effort between
                    public and private hospitals to
                    accommodate the growing numbers of
                    cases of infection, comprising university
                    hospitals and Ministry of Defence
                    hospitals. Outsourcing of services to
                    private hospitals to cater to non-Covid
                    patients also allowed MOH hospitals
                    to focus and increase its capacity to
                    treat COVID-19 patients, while ensuring
                    healthcare service provision to other
                    patients were not compromised.

                   Public- Private Partnership

                   Loans of ventilator

                   The mobilisation of ventilators in particular
                   was not only just by procurement efforts,
                   but also via nationwide mobilisation
                   of ventilators from the private sector,
                   in additional to international and local
                   donations. One of the Public Private
                   Partnership initiative between MOH and
                   private healthcare facilities was the loan of
                   ventilators by the private hospitals to the              1   2   3   1.   1 unit of ventilator loan to Hospital Sungai Buloh by KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital
                   government hospitals. Medical Practice                               2.   2 units of ventilators loan to Hospital Enche Besar Hajjah Khalsom by KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital
                                                                                            2 units of ventilators loan to Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II by KPJ Perdana Specialist Hospital
                   Division coordinated the collaboration with             4    5   6   4.   Ventilators that were loaned to Hospital Melaka
                   Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia               7    8  9 10  5.   5 units of ventilator loan to Hospital Sungai Buloh by Prince Court Medical Centre
                                                                                            5 units of ventilators loan to Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun by Pantai Hospital, Ipoh, Pantai
                   (APHM) where a total of 49 APHM                                          Hospital Manjung and KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital
                   hospitals have generously contributed 73                             7.   Ventilators that were loaned to Hospital Enche Besar Hajjah Khalsom
                   ventilator machines to 14 MOH Hospitals                              8.   Staffs from Hospital Temerloh unloading ventilators that were loaned from Kuantan Medical Centre
                                                                                            Hospital Temerloh staff testing ventilators loaned from Kuantan Medical Centre
                   which were distributed accordingly                                   10.  2 ventilators loaned by Penang Adventist Hospital to Hospital Pulau Pinang
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