P. 44

Tawau Field Hospital

            Hospital Tawau is the only specialist hospital in east coast of
            Sabah, limiting access to specialised acute and critical care
            for COVID-19 patients with severe illness. Approximately 40%
            of cases diagnosed within the locality were at category 3 and
            above. To increase capacity of Hospital Tawau, an army field
            hospital was established at Kompleks Sukan Tawau, about 10
            minutes away from the Hospital, with initial capacity of 100
            beds. The field hospital was used to treat non-Covid cases
            covering a wide range of services including general medicine,
            general surgery and orthopaedic. With the establishment of the
            field hospital, more beds in Hospital Tawau could be allocated
            for COVID-19 cases with severe illness, while the remaining
            Category 1 and 2 patients were placed at surrounding PKRC in
            Tawau and Semporna.

            The first meeting with the Health Services Division of the
            Malaysian Armed Forces was held at the Ministry of Defense
            headquarters on 9 October 2020, where the need statements on
            the establishment of the field hospital was presented to Mejar
            Jeneral Dato’ Dr Zulkeffle Jusoh. Asset was first mobilised from
            Kuching on 15 Octoer 2020, Kota Kinabalu on 16 October 2020
            and followed by additional assets and military medical team on
            17 October 2020 via Airbus 400 from RMAF Air Base in Subang.
            The Tawau Field Hospital was completed on 19 October 2020
            and started receiving patients on 20 October 2020.

                                1.   Coordination meeting between the Medical
              1    3   4   5         Programme and the Armed Forces at the Ministry
                                     of Health Malaysia
              2    6   7        2.   Mobilisation of military medical team from RMAF
                                     Subang Airport

                                3.   Arrival of military medical team in Tawau
                                4 & 5.  Deployment of medical supplies and equipment
                                     for Tawau Field Hospital
                                6.   Transport of medical supplies and equipment  to
                                     RMAF Air Base Subang to be flown to Tawau
                                7.   Tawau Field Hospital was set up at Kompleks
                                     Sukan Tawau

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