P. 109

Training & Collaborations

                                                                                                   7  8   7 & 10.  Collaborative effort for Webinar
                                                                                                               Session between MOH and
                   Proper implementation and adherence to IPC measures is crucial                10  9         Malaysia Medical Association
                   to prevent and reduce transmission to HCW and patients. In                             8 & 9.  Collaborative effort between
                   view of this, various training sessions, including epidemiology                             MOH, World Health Organization
                   of COVID-19 and its transmission, infection precaution to be                                (WHO) and Association of Private
                   taken as well as selection of appropriate PPE and donning/                                  Hospitals of Malaysia (APHM) in
                                                                                                               IPC training program for private
                   doffing procedures were carried out nationwide for HCW in both                              hospitals
                   public and private healthcare settings. For this, the IPC team
                   facilitated nationwide training. This was made possible with the
                   financial support and reference document from WHO along with
                   collaborative efforts with various agencies and sectors, including
                   APHM, MMA, University and the Armed Forces hospitals. In
                   emphasizing the compliance to the new norms, the IPC team has
                   made these COVID-19 guidelines and SOP available on the MOH
                   website. In addition, it was disseminated through webinars or
                   other live streaming platforms, social media platforms and group
                   messaging applications to relevant parties especially healthcare
                   facilities to be adopted and implemented.

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